Interestingly (!) Davidson worked with Stallone on the Expendables franchise. David White, who penned the last two Boykas (also the sloppier SHADOW OF A TEAR) had help in developing the story from Boaz Davidson, a writer with a few dozen action hits under his belt.

You have enough "producers" in the credits to start a football squad. AND HE'S BACK! Boy, nobody does Boyka like Adkins! Plus someone actually opened their wallets and spent some cash bringing this one to the screen. However, as the IMDb rating for that movie shows, it was still not in the class of UNDISPUTED. The closest thing to a good MMA movie that Adkins did recently was NINJA SHADOW OF A TEAR. During that time, Adkins handlers gave him a series of odd B-movie parts, some of which (heavy sigh) were purely dramatic and had no fight sequences at all. For reasons that are not entirely clear to this reviewer, there was a long gap between the last instalment and this one. At that point, things get a little murky. A younger Scott Adkins found his ideal role in Yuri Boyka (much like Stallone found Rocky) and gave new life to UNDISPUTED in two back-to-back segments. Not uncommon for film franchises these days, later attempts to keep the franchise going involved smaller budgets and lesser-known stars. For newbies, the original "Undisputed" (which starred A-listers) took an unexpected turn.

But if you have seen the others, this new instalment is surprisingly satisfying. If you arrived at this franchise late, you would be forgiven for feeling a little lost.